So I went to the first Page of this thread and just downloaded the Lite-C version not knowing there was already a C-Script version on this page.. Whatever. I converted it back to C-Script laugh. It now looks as good as it should with the newer updated Lite-C version. I couldn't tell you for sure cause I don't program with it ^_^ Here is the code.

Edit: I also wanted to mention the FPS is great, on my low end staples pc.. Never tested it on my good pc yet wink

define max_alpha, skill1;
define max_fog, 250;

var cam_fog = 500; // needs to be a variable so it can get closer and further away to the camera as needed
var wind[3];

function set_alpha() 
	var fade_speed = 0.5;
	// fade model in
	my.max_alpha = integer(random(30));
	if(my.max_alpha < 10){ my.max_alpha = 15; }
	while(my.alpha < my.max_alpha)
		my.alpha += fade_speed*time_step;
	my.alpha = my.max_alpha;

function fog_wind()
		// new wind direction...
		vec_set(wind.x, vector((random(0.5) - .25)*1.5, (random(0.5) - .25)*1.5, random(1)*.4));
		//wait(-1 + random(3));

function move_fog()
	var roll_speed;
	var fade_distance;
	fade_distance = cam_fog+(cam_fog/7);
	var fog_speed = 20;
	roll_speed = random(2)-1; 
		my.roll += roll_speed*time_step; //roll this sprite
		// update position globally
		c_move(my, nullvector, vector(random(fog_speed)*wind.x*time_step, random(fog_speed)*wind.y*time_step, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE);
		// fade sprite when close to camera
		if(vec_dist(my.x, camera.x) < fade_distance) 
			my.alpha = minv(my.max_alpha, vec_dist(camera.x, my.x) * my.max_alpha / fade_distance);

function autofog()
	var cam_pos[3];
	var randint;
	vec_scale(my.scale_x, 0.8);
	my.passable = on;
	my.transparent = on;
	//fade in slowly
		if(my.alpha < my.max_alpha) { my.alpha += time_step; }
		vec_set(cam_pos, camera.x);
		cam_pos.z = my.z;
		if(vec_dist(my.x, cam_pos) >= cam_fog)
			// fade the fog out
			while(my.alpha > 0) { my.alpha -= time_step; wait(1); }
			// set on new position at edge of fog distance
			vec_set(my.x, vector(cycle(my.x, camera.x - cam_fog, camera.x + cam_fog), cycle(my.y, camera.y - cam_fog, camera.y + cam_fog), camera.z - random(100) + random (200)));

var fogcount;
function generate_fog()
	var randint; // random fog sprite
	var pos_place[3];
	fog_wind(); // sets a random fog position every so often
		// set random position around camera
		vec_set(pos_place.x, vector(((camera.x - random(cam_fog)) + (camera.x + random(cam_fog))), ((camera.y - random(cam_fog)) + (camera.y + random(cam_fog))), ((camera.z - random(cam_fog/8)) + random(cam_fog/4))));
//		vec_set(pos_place.x, nullvector);
		// get a random number
		randint = integer(random(2));
		// create different fog, based on random number
		if(randint == 0){you=ent_create("Dust_1.tga", pos_place, autofog);you.passable = on;}
		if(randint == 1){you=ent_create("Dust_2.tga", pos_place, autofog);you.passable = on;}
		fogcount += 1;

And in the function main()
function main(){

If anyone could help make it better so that it doesn't update so slowly, that would be cool. I find that when my player moves away it doesn't update around him fast enough.

Last edited by DevoN; 01/18/14 20:11.

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