If you need the memory size of an element, you use the sizeof() macro in C. For instance, sizeof(var) will return 8. But I can not see for what purpose you need that here?

And no, an array needs not be "global" for being changed by a function. There are other reasons why often global arrays are used.

- From your remarks I have the impression that your first programming experiment is too ambitious. Arrays, linked lists, element sizes, etc. is not what someone ususally has to deal with in his first C programs. But if you want to do that, definitely read a C introductory course. C is one of the best languages for handling arrays or linked lists, but the basic concepts must be understood. Otherwise you will just stumble from one silly "lite-C cannot do" misconception to the next.

I looked through the begin of your text - if I understood it right, you just want to store a stochastic and a time together. This is quite easy, but certainly not with a multidimensional array. In C you use a struct for that, like this:

typedef struct Radar
	struct Radar *next; // for a linked list
	int Time;
	var Stochastic;	
} Radar;

and you can then easily sort those structs in arrays or linked lists.

If you run into a coding problem, just post your code here and you'll get help.