Maybe you already fixed this themuzikman, otherwise just add this in the while in your player code;

vec_set (camera.x, vector (-200, 50, 70)); // simple camera code, play with these values
vec_rotate (camera.x, my.pan); // this example creates a camera that sits 200 quants behind the player and 50 quants to the left
vec_add (camera.x, my.x); // and 70 quants above its origin
camera.pan = my.pan; // the camera will have the same pan angle with the player

vec_set (camera2.x, vector (-200, -50, 70)); // simple camera code, play with these values
vec_rotate (camera2.x, my.pan); // this example creates a camera that sits 200 quants behind the player and 50 quants to the right
vec_add (camera2.x, my.x); // and 70 quants above its origin
camera2.pan = my.pan; // the camera will have the same pan angle with the player