Ah yeah the problem is that the code still only takes the player.pan into account. Try this (I have tested it, it should work with you to):

ANGLE player_angle;
player_angle.pan = player.pan;
player_angle.tilt = player.tilt; //or camera.tilt, depends on what you move with mouse_force.y
player_angle.roll = player.roll;
vec_set (camera.x, vector (-200, 50, 70)); // simple camera code, play with these values
vec_rotate (camera.x, player_angle); // this example creates a camera that sits 200 quants behind the player and 50 quants to the left
vec_add (camera.x, player.x); // and 70 quants above its origin
camera.pan = player.pan;
camera.tilt = player.tilt; //you can leave this out if you move camera.tilt directly through mouse_force.y

vec_set (camera2.x, vector (-200, -50, 70)); // simple camera code, play with these values
vec_rotate (camera2.x, player_angle); // this example creates a camera that sits 200 quants behind the player and 50 quants to the right
vec_add (camera2.x, player.x); // and 70 quants above its origin
camera2.pan = player.pan;
camera2.tilt = player.tilt; //you can leave this out if you move camera.tilt directly through mouse_force.y