Ok, first off I guess you didn't notice the Newbie under my name, nor the first line of the post that STATES that the problem is in the tilt. (Wait you must have, you pointed me to that line.)

I took your advice and cleaned it up a bit, but, as a newbie the only way I know to post a code on here is to copy paste. Sorry it crams it all together that way.

Second, I already knew it was in the line that you pointed me to. That's why I have the line above it commented;

player.tilt += 5 * mouse_force.y * time_step;// Added this line but doesn't work...

The line that you poined me to.
camera.tilt = player.tilt; //5 * mouse_force.y * time_step;

All I can say is that the software claims it can be used by ANYONE, without programming experience. I am here to tell you that it is possible but the game will suck and will never go anywhere but your desktop.

No this isn't the first time I have asked for help in the forums.
No this isn't the first time I have been given a short answer by an expert that really doesn't help my problem, just points at the problem and laughs.

Again I am a NEWBIE, The camera will NOT TILT!

Sorry if I seem rather rude, but again, not the first time I have asked for help on a forum that claims it offers help to the new users and have got the same type of response.

May I suggest that before someone responds to a post, check the level of the user and respond in kind.

As for searching through foreign code to help someone. What happens when someone needs help with a template that is packaged with the software? That's foreign code..

I see post like this all over the forums. It isn't just my post. It is post like this that make me want to move on to another software.

Again sorry for seeming rude but it does get a bit discouraging.