I tryed to explain that the case I was speaking about is the case where the name and index are both not given. Just the bone name contained in the string and a NULL handle (The second part of the code).

I based my speculations on the example into the manual:

Originally Posted By: manual - ent_bonehandle

// get the name of the parent bone when a child name is given.
STRING* child_name = "foot_left";
long handle = ent_setboneparent(ent,child_name,0); // return a handle to the parent bone
ent_setbonehandle(ent,parent_name,(var)handle); // retrieve the parant name from the parent handle.

Ignore the instructions names in the example. They are also wrong in the manual...

This example retrieves the parent bone name after retrieving the parent bone handle, but with the actual 'ent_boneparent' behavior 'child_name' has been already overwritten with the parent bone name so there is no need of retrieving the parent bone name in the las instruction. That is why I thougth it is a bug.


Last edited by txesmi; 04/28/14 12:17.