You wouldn't be doing something like, recycling trade identifiers, would you?
$ grep -n '^\[USD/JPY::L9013\] \(S\|L\)' Log/aooatest.log 
60800:[USD/JPY::L9013] Long 1@76.81 Net trade at 16:46
81768:[USD/JPY::L9013] Sell 1@76.59: -2.34 at 21:10
134498:[USD/JPY::L9013] Long 46@83.86 Net trade at 14:42
143200:[USD/JPY::L9013] Sell 46@82.84: -466$ at 01:27
174064:[USD/JPY::L9013] Long 1@81.46 Net trade at 06:58
198574:[USD/JPY::L9013] Sell 1@79.98: -14.66 at 14:10

Surely you have some Strategy test cases where there are more than 10000 trades of a single asset. Right?