Hi Peter

the trailer looks amazing and very intrigue . few points :

1) level design - brilliant , cool atmosphere .
2) music - nice celtic music be performed very well -however to make it more pro you have to sync between the events on the movie and the music flavor (which mean change the rhythm and instruments on a battle etc ..)
3) camera on the trailer looks good most of the time .
4) effects - some have a lot of glamour like the sun and the fire at the start looks good too . you may want to do somthing with the explosions , too many of them at the same time and you can see it as field of repeating pattern . maybe make them more transparent or to have few kind of explosions .
5) inventory - looks easy to handle .
6) models - most looks very very pro .
7) gameplay - never play on it so its hard to tell , but i would be happy

charming work

Nobody is perfect, I´m nobody