
Sorry, but I did not completely understand the last sentence from you. Do you mean that you stick 32 hmp's together and use 9 of these in a complete level or do you mean that a terrain has 32 divisions?

Sorry. No, I mean that as far as gameplay is concerned, for what I'm considering the first of the games seven levels, it has 9 hmp's total. Each hmp is 32x32 squares/triangles, and each gets loaded in as a separate "sub-level" (i.e. through level_load() function)

For example, here is one of the 9 hmp's that make up the first "level":

However, the cool thing with the ai is that if an enemy is chasing you and you leave one sub-level and enter the next, the enemy will follow you into the next sub-level. Also, if an NPC exits a sub-level heading for some desination either in that sub-level or through it to the next, and your player follows him in, the npc will appear exactly where you would expect him to given the time you've given him to be walking across the next level.