Exactly. It's simply fascinating to speculate on what the anient world may have been like. And that is really all we're doing in our game - speculating. In some of our other materials we stress that we're not at all trying to convince people that the world we're presenting was anything like the acnient world before the flood may really have been like. We've got some theories and ideas, but we really don't know and no one else does either for sure. Our aim is not even to teach what the Bible says about the pre-flood era. We're careful to not contradict the Bible and we ARE trying to communicate some central themes of the Bible and wrestle with some basic spiritual/philosophical questions (i.e. why is there evil and God's rescue mission to save humanity, etc.). But, at the same time...it IS a fantasy RPG

Okay...I better stop. Good discussion, but probably belongs in another forum topic...