Okay, then I load a Trailer from this interesting 3D engine..

What I see is quite interesting. But it scares me in two ways:
Way 1: Oo w...w..WHAT? The Forests an Lightmaps are looking grateful, really good atmosphere, and very nice. ^_-
Way 2: Ouh...Whats this Walk animation? Why can't he run? And why is the Fighting system so..."not dynamic"?

I think things like Animations (walk usw.) should be better than this, and the Ks should be more comfortable. In this way it looks a little bit like Morrowind, which was also hard to control. It would end with a crashed mouse. oO

Also the System graphics I don't like. They're looking a little bit boring. But...hey, Gothic 1 & 2 System graphics were boring and bad too. ^_- So it doesn't matter.

But in the end, the game is really..interesting. Nice charakter-modelling, nice textures and good mapping. And also a great Water texture.
