I have searched and didn't find any thread to report with bugs or errors in the code so I decided to start this one.

I was digging in indicators.c when I spotted a possibly error in the implementation of the ATRS indicator:

// Simple ATR based on SMA
var ATRS(int Period)
	Period = max(1,Period);
	var vATRS =  0;
	for(g_count = 0; g_count < Period; g_count++)
		vATRS = priceHigh(g_count)-priceLow(g_count);
	return vATRS/Period;

Shouldn't it be inside the for

vATRS += priceHigh(g_count)-priceLow(g_count);

? because in the present version it is not adding up the ATRanges, only the last one is returned.