Locoweed - Ah yes! You're correct! I fixed the issue and it'll be included in the next update.

Samb - You tripped upon a pretty crafty issue. It will definitely take me a few days to solve your issue. Here's what I think is happening. Each node can have a maxium of 4 neighbors. During the initialization stage, the nodes try to link to their neighbors. In fact, they try to link to ALL of their neighbors. The problem is that nodes don't necessarily know who their neighbors are. They just accept the first ones they can find, which may not be necessarily the closest ones. Once all 4 neighbor slots are full, the rest are ignored.

I need to improve the initialization routine so that it prefers closer neighbors over ones that are farther away. That change will have to wait for the weekend.

Thanks for the bug reports!! I'll get 'em all cleaned up as soon as possible!
- Bret