Ok!! I think that I ironed out some of those bugs. Download the new version at the same url:

There are a few changes, but the most important ones are:

1) The function pf_to_ent() doesn't crash if there's no start node in sight. Instead, it returns "1" if everything is ok and "0" otherwise. It'll return 0 if there's no available start node.

2) After some intense programming, I fixed the "neighbor" problem that was causing some issues. It's ready for round #2 of testing!!

I also added these .dll functions:

DLLFUNC long pf_set_node_collision_distance(var dist)
An entity will reach a node when they get a certain distance to it. This method can set that distance, which defaults to 20 quants.

DLLFUNC long pf_set_max_path(var dist)
Defines the maximum path search distance.

DLLFUNC long pf_set_ent_collision_distance(var dist)
Defines the distance that an entity has to be within its target to trigger the my._PF_REACHED_TARGET flag. Defaults to 10 quants.

I'll write more about these functions later once I update the documentation.

Have fun!!
- Bret