Hi! I linked Matt's parallax-shader with the projection-shader:

I want to make fake dynamic shadows with the projection shader but there are some problems to fix:

- there should be shadows for each column, so every shadow is controlled by a single camera VIEW.
- the backside projection should be removed.(not so important)
- a biasfilter should smooth the shadow if the light object leaves a column.(not so important)
- combine the camera.views with "render to textur" and make "real time shadows".(maybe later)

It would be great, if you can help me to fix these problems!

I have not so much time for that, because I am working on a ragdoll system which is free for you: Free Ragdoll system

Here is the level with the script and fx files: Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 (I removed the left wall)

Sorry for the bad English or Germish