I have been trying to find a solid export and import work flow of models for the last 2 days up until now , I finally give up on trying to solve a issue on my own .

my model is textured ,edges has been split for correct smoothing , in blender and everything looks fine ...

when I export either to .obj .3ds .fbx I am able to import it into MED all successful with skins showing up .......

However when I view the model with either engine preview or directly in my project ,everything goes bananas , obj files converted to mdl report "bad filename" on textures when loading the model .

so i use fbx or 3ds to mdl ,but , the model appears to be somewhat transparent looking showing faces or texture areas wich should be invisible ,its like backface culling fails , there's no alpha setting below 100 in MED , wth..

could it be that tga is a bad texture format ?

I don't know what's wrong , please help .

Last edited by Wjbender; 02/18/15 16:22.

Compulsive compiler