This game is the edgiest thing I've seen since Shadow the Hedgehog.

In other words I'm not impressed.

EDIT: On the other hand I remember really loving this game both as a game and as a piece of satire some years ago.

I had forgotten its name so I had to search around to dig it up again but seeing Hatred reminded me of it.

When all is said and done though I think I dislike the concept of Hatred just because it seems far less like satire and far more like a demented and pointless murder simulator. Which I realize is what they all say, but even still... what's the point? Escapism? Really?

Another thing worth noting is that compared to the majority of violent video games, there are significantly less fantastic elements in this game compared to others. In other words, the game models a significantly plausible real-world scenario and unlike *that scene* from Modern Warfare 2 that everyone was screaming about years ago, it's not a setup for something else, it really just exists for its own sake.

So really, in the end, I guess you could say I just don't get the joke. But if this can be explained, would somebody please mind explaining it to me?

Last edited by Redeemer; 04/01/15 18:23.

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