Originally Posted By: boatman
Why not start by working through the tutorials in the Zorro manual? They provide a good base. You could then expand your horizons by working through the recommended reading list, one of which I see you have already read.

Do you have something specific you want to learn about?

Hei Boatman. Thank you for reply.

The point is that I need to get a better view of all the mathematics involved. In fact I was so sick of wasting time that I was planning to enroll to the CQF of Paul Wilmott.
I do not know how to design portfolios nor to use optimization methods to improve trading systems.

It's possible to get a good software to do that, that for sure, but a good understanding of the underlying theory would not hurt in my humble opinion.

I hope you are more prepared than myself and that you are getting some results. So far many manual traders are actually doing much better than myself.


Of course is not my objective to trade manually since I could not sit behind the computer all day long, but you get the point.

Kind Regards, Francesco.