BMAP* screen_map = "emptypanel.pcx";
PANEL * testpan ={
	pos_x = 100;
	pos_y = 100;
	button = (0,0,screen_map, screen_map, screen_map, NULL,NULL,NULL);
	window = (0,0,400,300,screen_map, 0,0);
	flags = SHOW;
function grab_screen(BMAP* Bmap, var modify, var delay, STRING* Save_settings){
	bmap_for_screen (Bmap, modify, delay);  
	wait (1);  // wait 1 frame until the bitmap can be saved
	game_save ("savegame", 0, Save_settings);
on_q = grab_screen(screen_map, 1, 1, "SV_VARS + SV_BMAPS");

function grab_screen2(){
	bmap_for_screen (screen_map, 1, 1);   
	wait (1);  // wait 1 frame until the bitmap can be saved
	game_save ("savegame", 0, SV_VARS + SV_BMAPS);
on_z = grab_screen2;

Why Doesn't either of these methods work?
I don't get any syntax errors - But I also don't get any results :3

I basically pulled this from the manual and I'm trying to make it a bit more function-able..
Everything seems to be in order...

The bmap pointer is Valid
button and windows are set up
panel is visible
bmap was selected
vars were set
parameters were saved..... now what? grin

Shouldn't this have worked? or is there a #include file I need? Once again, I get no errors..

EDIT: grab_screen2(); will work fine if i hard code it. I want it to work with the press of keys as I shown above. is that possible?

EDIT2: I realize that
if(key_z) grab_screen2();

would work - But Im trying to avoid that.

Last edited by DLively; 04/28/15 20:40.

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