Originally Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r
You have actually no Idea what I know and what not so please dont post those comments since you actually write the same with just some more words.

Except your comments give a good glimpse into the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about. Gamestudio doesn't use the stdcall calling convention, so either you know what you are talking about and chose to deliberately put bullshit down to sound smart, or, well...

Also, you can't return structs in Lite-C. Just saying, cause apparently you think that the result will be on the stack if it is greater than 4 byte. Except there is nothing bigger than 4 byte that you could return and that would end up in an integer register. Double precision floating points are returned on the floating point stack which is 80 byte wide and holds long doubles.

And last but not least, Assembler is not machine code. Assembler has to run through an assembler to turn into machine code, 0xc3 has nothing to do with assembler.

The biggest issue I have is that you say "oh, void is 0xc3 and everything else is 0xc2". In a thread asked in ask Gamestudio. Yeah, that will surely help the beginner asking, amirite? I have nothing against just giving pointers in the right direction, but at least make it possible for someone to find the information they need with your pointer. Being a smartass is alright if you ask me. Just stroking your ego and not adding any value to the discussion is not.

PS: C4 is a plastic explosive that can be triggered with an electrical charge.

Last edited by WretchedSid; 05/05/15 17:09.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
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