awesome work man! i definately wish i could do all that heh.

changes (ideas):

Although i cant do any better.. 'if i could' id make it so at spawn you wouldnt be able to see the other stair steps on the other side of the wall.. or maybe even something where you cant see things on the other side of the walls if the room is closed/locked or if you cant get to it from your current location.. it would leave more surprise and exploration.

the combat system seems a bit buggy. i kept clicking the enemy and i would go right through him. it would be nice if you only have to click the enemy once and it will keep striking at it until the enemy dies. ( you would still be able to run away )

when you get potions you drink em up even if your mp or hp is full, they should go in your inventory before you choose to use it or not ( what if it was poison lol? )

the spells seem to go on forever till they hit something, it would be more appropriate if the only went a certain distance and then faded away.

additions (ideas):

enemies drop loot!

an xp bar with the HP and MP bar.
refreshes at new level. takes longer each time.

a stamina system ( very much like the HP and MP system )
where it would guzzle down 'stamina' points as you use the 'run' feature
so you wouldnt be able to run forever and ever ( so tiring )
with added bar beside the hp and mp.
also added in the stats page so you can upgrade and run further!

i can go on literally forever i have so much ideas i just wish i could actually do them!
oh and this may sound stupid but would you be able to post up the actual source of demo itself? well thanks in advance for any action you take of anything i just mentioned haha.. keep up the good work and thanks a lot.

tek >8]