i'll Always appreciatie tips like this laugh

Every tip i get is usefull as i am no way near beeing a perfect coder laugh
Lol i have even problems fixing the patroll code with the help of you laugh When i make the clips sometimes i built automaticly
while i could start up from SED laugh for me is inportant that the stuff in the clips work laugh

i do know that seeing something actually do something and
work is much more fun for new people to get going laugh

To many times i see answers like look in the manual It really irritates me sometimes.

Well i do look in the manual (So do others) but if your no programmer some terms don't ring any bells and you get stuck.
Simply because there is no working example with it just a few lines of text that you understand or not laugh Remember the ad says make games without coding ? well you need to learn coding otherwise no games grin (At least not of your own)

It's my goal to have actual stuff collected that simply works
like i did in the old days with WDL gold laugh

This can be used to look things up faster then searching through all AUM and forum messages. It's amazing how much the same question is asked in the forum but non of them have an answer. Sometimes i need one simple thing but need to dig lines of coding to find how something work. (That is if i can find it)

Take for example the mouse and cheese thing i made for David.
The coding of it is no way perfect but it does the trick and gave him a fair start to built on (he could continue his project). all by showing him the lines of code i used and even JCL gave a perfect understandeble solution laugh

I know we cant ask people to write complete games for each other but for a pro coder some things are so clear and easy they can give an answer in 2 minutes with a few lines of code that work laugh

Luckely we have some cool forum dudes here that sharing stuff
but what some master programmers forget is that some of us do not fully see the logic of programming (my self included) but are yet very creative and want to make fun stuff laugh

I got a lot of mini games (You see in the intro of each clip) on the shelve all not fully done yet but i am learning on the way laugh

As I will learn to i will change the videos where needed.

Last example:

I had that patroll path code and well it simply works laugh i don't care if it's coding is not perfect it does what it needs to do. Place character follow path voila grin

Then i needed some changes you gave very good advice laugh but since i do not fully get all coding it takes a lot of time for me to figure it out how to reorganise stuff laugh don't worry i don't give up that easy wink But it shows that what for one person is very clear could be magic language for the other laugh

Note : there is no need for discussion if people should help or not we done that sooooo many times laugh

If people reference to the manual perhaps tell them where to find it or give some hints like terms to look on laugh

It helped me when 3run or Malice Dlively for example put me in the right direction laugh

BTW I love beeing creative no matter my lack of coding is sometimes driving me completely maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad:-p

Last edited by Realspawn; 09/01/15 15:35.

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