I can make you an example later today or tomorrow.

EDIT: Something like this (obv. untested):

VIEW* depth_view =

MATERIAL* warrior_depth_mat =
  effect = "warrior_depth.fx";
  flags = AUTORELOAD;

MATERIAL* warrior_tex_mat =
  event = "warrior.fx";
  flags = AUTORELOAD;

var warrior_mat_event()
  if(render_view == depth_view)
    mtl = warrior_depth_mat;
    return 0;
  mtl = warrior_tex_mat;
  return 0;

MATERIAL* warrior_mat =
  event = warrior_mat_event;
  flags = ENABLE_RENDER | OVERRIDE; // maybe try a different ENABLE_... flag here

Then your "warrior.fx" file is your current shader and the "warrior_depth.fx" contains a regular depth shader modified with your cropping shader where you just clip if transparent, return depth otherwise. The "samples" and the "code" folders in your Gstudio installation contain examples.

Last edited by Superku; 09/17/15 13:42.

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