Originally Posted By: DLively
yes, though your image files must be of particular types.

Originally Posted By: manual
Within a WINDOW definition, all images must be in PCX or BMP 8-bit, 256 color format (indexed colors, with palette). Image file names must be given in angular brackets <..> as shown in the examples.

Well... I don't get it to work. I used to be able to create my own starter files like 10 years ago and I remember having problems with images even then, but at least it worked.
Now I only get a "syntax error" from the publishing process, whenever I use images which I saved via Photoshop or MS Paint. Tried a few different palette settings, bmp and pcx, different image sizes.
I've tried taking an old indexed pcx which comes with GStudio (for example palette.pcx or inventory.pcx), that works, but when I re-save them they don't work anymore. Do I have to dig out some painting tool from last decade/ millennium?
Can someone else maybe try to create a starter file, for example with the following test image: http://superku.de/starter_sk.bmp ?


	TITLE "Superku";
	SIZE 512,384;
	BG_COLOR RGB(0,0,0);
	//FRAME FTYP1,0,0,480,320;
	//SET FONT "Arial", RGB(255,255,255);
	//TEXT "Get ready...", 0,0;
	//PICTURE <starter_sk.pcx>,OPAQUE,0,10;
	BG_PATTERN <starter_sk.bmp>,OPAQUE;
	TEXT_STDOUT "Arial",RGB(150,150,150),10,10,460,280;
	PROGRESS RGB(255,220,0), 80, 0, 300, 512, 32;
	//COMMAND "-diag -nx 200";

Last edited by Superku; 10/21/15 17:36.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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