Moreover, if you need a much more professional approach you can take Sid's script from this thread

Not tested, I remember there is one or two tiny mistakes in it, but I was lazy to test it:
typedef struct
	void *_buffer; // Actual data
	size_t _size; // Number of elements
	size_t _capacity; // Allocated number of elements
	size_t _elementSize; // Element size
} array_t;

array_t *array_create(size_t elementSize)
	array_t *array = malloc(sizeof(array_t));
	array->_elementSize = elementSize;
	array->_size = 0;
	array->_capacity = 5; // start out with 5 elements. Tweak if desired. This just makes the life easier since there is always a buffer and we don't have to care about cases where it's NULL
	array->_buffer = malloc(array->_capacity * array->_elementSize);

	return array;
void array_delete(array_t *array)

void __array_assert_size(array_t *array, size_t required) // Makes sure that the array fits
	size_t toCopy = array->_size;
	if(toCopy > size)
		toCopy = size;

	if(required > array->_capacity)
		size_t nextCapacity = array->_capacity * 1.5; // Gives a nice grow curve. Alternatively doubling also works, gets messy with large arrays though
		if(nextCapacity < required)
			nextCapacity = required;

		void *buffer = malloc(nextCapacity * array->_elementSize); // TODO: Handle errors
		memcpy(buffer, array->_buffer, toCopy * array->_elementSize);

		array->_buffer = buffer;
		array->_capacity = nextCapacity;
		size_t nextCapacity = array->_capacity >> 1;
		if(nextCapacity >= required && nextCapacity > 5) // Keep at least space for 5 elements
			void *buffer = malloc(nextCapacity * array->_elementSize); // TODO: Handle errors
			memcpy(buffer, array->_buffer, toCopy * array->_elementSize);

			array->_buffer = buffer;
			array->_capacity = nextCapacity;

void array_copyin_data(array_t *array, void *data, size_t elements)
	__array_assert_size(array, array->_size + elements);
	memcpy(((char *)array->_buffer) + array->_size * array->_elementSize, data, elements * array->_elementSize);
	array->_size += elements;
void array_copyout_data(array_t *array, void *data, size_t start, size_t elements)
	if(start + elements >= array->_size)
		printf("Trying to access elements [%d, %d) in array with only %d elements", start, start + elements, array->_size);

	memcpy((data, (char *)array->_buffer) + start * array->_elementSize, elements * array->_elementSize);

// Alternatively, you can also work with single elements at a time... Something like this:
void array_add_object(array_t *array, void *object)
	__array_assert_size(array, array->_size + 1);
	memcpy(((char *)array->_buffer) + array->_size * array->_elementSize, data, array->_elementSize);
	array->_size ++;

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