Originally Posted By: jcl

we have deliberately decided not to provide live records, since we're NOT a system vendor.

While I think that Zorro is a great tool for testing, writing, and analysing strategies and while being thankful for giving this and your insights away for free, you are charging people to use your Z systems either via monthly subscription or for a few hundred dollars/euro one time fee.

For which there would be no motivation whatsoever, if not for the very good test results in Zorro for especially Z12.

Judging by what quite a few of your paying customers write reality more often than not does not live up to the backtest results. I think it is more than understandable that those who were moved to give you money for using your Z systems by the test results want to know if they are making a mistake or if your systems simply are not as profitable as they expected.

Either way,

thanks for this great tool.