This is for a weather & special effects system involing numerous moving objects and particles.
Particles have a very limited number of variables, but particles are good - cause I can create 10,000 at once, if I want.
(And in a multiplayer game the above number is more probable, than not)
I'm trying to add some AI to the system and there aren't enough user-def vars for the particles.
Overcoming this is my objective.
I need particles to have collision detection, even if I have to code it myself - but I can't do it *without* storing "YOU" someplace.
Partially, this has to do with particle grouping and other stuff I don't want to get into...

(Dang! Seems like everyone's working on a weather system - me and my big mouth! ... ah well...)


[This message has been edited by NeutronBlue (edited 14 June 2001).]