Originally Posted By: rayp
Remove the NULL from c_move it makes no sense for me btw.

edit: And you forgot to wait one frame with the c_setminmax instruction.
edit2: Not sure but isnt there one wait(1) too much? If not i would recomment to use wait(2) instead grin
Absolute movement would be better here, but iam too stupid to calculate the vectors grin

The absolute movement is what I said earlier, but I knew you want an easy solution so I didnt post that code.
In the end its just as simple as this:
vAbs.x = speed * sinv(DegToRad(angDir.pan));
vAbs.y = speed * cosv(DegToRad(angDir.pan));
vAbs.z = speed * sinv(-DegToRad(angDir.tilt));

Not sure with the signs though

Last edited by Ch40zzC0d3r; 07/12/16 22:18.