
What I wonder is what advantage does computer gaming now have? ...

This is the same story every time a new generation of console comes out. The PS2 was faster then the normal PC of its day just as the first PS did 3d graphics that were almost unheard of in its day.

I can go way off-topic and give you my view on PC vs. Console, but the short answer is that they tend to have different markets (RTS and FPS are still more fun on PCs, sports titles are almost all console only).

BTW: They say the PS3 will run at 3.2GHz, but the PS3 is multi-core which (according to Sony's own math ) will give a total of over 2 TFLOPS of performance. By comparison, the “average” PC can only do 0.08 TFLOPS.

Last edited by Doug; 06/02/05 21:50.

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