Honestly? Any estimate I give you without doing some research would be almost completely useless. That said, I will pull out a random number and people will quote this as fact days, months, and years from now. “Doug said that...”**

I'm guessing that it would take 3 to 6 months. Why? Because that sounds about right. Also, talking with some other people that have ported to the XBox, they took roughly that much time. If you can get some of your “if's” taken care of, we can look at this much more seriously and give you a real time table.

**BTW: I've said this a few times already, but we get new people here all the time so here we go again. I (Doug) only work here at Conitec. I tend to talk a lot more on the Forum then the rest of the people at the company but I'm just a “cog in the wheel” of this great company. I know a lot about 3DGS and I'm willing to share my knowledge with our users, but you should never quote me. I don't make policy.

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