Ok first off, I have to admit to asking similiar questions about 3DGS porting, and I will admit to being somewhat wet behind the ears about how games dev actually works.

Fortunatly I have had the pleasure of working for the last 2 years with a AAA games developer, learning the craft so to speak. Not that I claim to know it all know, in fact learning that I DONT know it all, was probably the best lesson of all... anywho I digress.

So now I have returned to GS while I wait to see what happens with this developer and so with a new concept title in development the question of porting to console raises its ugly head once more....

To my understanding, Gamestudio has the potential to be ported to another OS like Xbox and PS1,2,3 etc. This potential could only be realised with X ammount of funding... Figure I would expect to be variable depending on the job, with maybe an upper limit of $100k? being realistic...

So my thinking is that it is reasonable to sell any concept developed on GS as a 'any engine portable title' which I believe is true, to a given value of true

So presuming the engine could be ported and funding was available, who would own it? I mean if my publisher hands over a check for $100k to port the engine to the PS3 (for example), would the publisher gain some kind of property rights over its use. I mean as much as I would love to raise that kind of cash and then hand over the ported version to the community, I doubt that my publisher would share in that philosophy.

I ask these questions partly as I like to play devils advocate, but also as I have a vested interest in this subject. The title we are developing is primarily aimed at the console market, and therefore the question of engine port possibility while arrise, and I would like to be armed with more fact than fiction...

Sry for the length of the post, its been a while

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss