
If your demo uses tons of shaders, bones, terrain and multiplayer network AND your target platform is the AMIGA or a non DirecX platform like linux, the whole thing is worthles.

Yes, you could make a game using 3DGS that wouldn't work on your target platform, and it is doubtful that porting from 3DGS to any console will be as easy as pressing a button, you should keep this in mind when you design the project.

But, if you want to get into the console business (where the money is at), the goal isn't to use 3DGS to make a game that runs on a console. The goal is to make a game that makes people say: "If we had this game on our platform we could make big money!"

If you go to the Microsoft XBox360 developer website (the public part) you will find a guide on how to design games on available PC hardware that most closely matches the console hardware. You can do the same sort of thing for other consoles. But the first thing you should think about is making a game that is fun to play using a console controller and running on a TV screen.

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