
Originally Posted By: Ruben
By the way Reconnoiter, I have been trying to find a good function or method that can measure time, such as waiting 1 to 2 minutes before removing an arrow. I looked into the timer() and dtimer() functions, but they seem really awkward to use. They seem more geared for testing something, rather than using them in game use. Are one of those functions what you would use to measure 1-2 minutes, or some other function?
, I personally never used timer(). What I do is either use a global var, a local var or just a wait();. Depends on the task. In your case I would do something like this:

var lifetime = 120; //in seconds
while(1) //your while function of the arrow
  lifetime -= time_step / 16; //always subtract 1 per second
  if (lifetime <= 0) break;