
he had money, they had a full engineering department management, and a real company behind him, and not to mention he was brilliant.

And the 3DO still failed.


especially if the xbox live license came as an additional $300-800 licensing fee on top of the pro edition...PC->Xbox ports would be relatively easy...I can't imagine it being too hard.

Please read the rest of my quotes in this thread. It isn't a hardware or software problem stopping Conitec from making an XBox port, it's a license issue.

There are games using a version of the Torque engine on XBox Live, but can't buy a Torque XBox Development Kit *without* first being approved by Microsoft (I'm also guessing that the additional licensing fee from GarageGames is far greater than $300-$800).

If you make a XBox LiveArcade style game using our engine, let me look it over. If we can convince Microsoft that it would look good on their XBox, we can work something out.

The toughest part by far is producing a game which Microsoft wants. Once you have that, the rest will follow.

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