Hi Steempipe,

First, I must thank you for your pleasant response, when it probably wasn't deserved. You definately have my respect now, not that you didn't before.

On to what I believe would a good first shader tutorial. In my opinion, the first tutorial shouldn't be as much about the looks of the shader itself, but how the shader script is written and the conversion process from 3DGS to the shader works.

If I was writing my first shader tutorial, not unlike other aspects of 3DGS, I would start with the easiest possible shader, explaining each part of the shader script. I would also, show some changes in the shader's variables that would show how making those changes effects the shader.

I would stay on the simple shader for a while and also add some other important aspects, that are not difficult to do, but very useful. For example, how to change the shader to work with fog.

After taking the simpliest shader and showing topics like fog, etc on it, I would next move to a more complicated shader, the emphasis being on the shader script and how 3DGS variables tie in with it.

The first tutorial you wrote with explainations of how shader script works would be more useful than you could ever imagine. Just one example of how changing one variable in a shader script and how it changes the look of the shader would do more for everyone than you could imagine.

Examples of changing shader script to work with fog, which is a process I went through with absolutely no help, even though not difficult if you have the knowledge, is almost impossible for someone new to shaders without a guide.

Thanks so much Steempipe for you response,
You definately have my vote,
for, ummm... something nice.
Maybe Jamie_Lynn will send you some roses, , except I kind of made her mad the other day,

I do apologize for how I started this thread, but I really felt it was necessary

Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games