
I just dont see what's so hard about searching for basic info on the the web.. Wolfgang Engle has some very good shader tutorials up, better than any you would find here.


I think the reason why a good tutorial about it needs to be done is because this is for 3D Game Studio people. Not Joe Blow who works for iD Software, not Sally Someone who develops stuff with Valve...but us, the loyal and fun-loving folks who make up the vast majority of 3DGS's community.

Why are there tutorials for using MED? After all, there are a billion tutorials about how to model in 3d on the web. Why the tutorials about basic animation? I mean, there are billions of tutorials, information and tips n' tricks for doing that stuff on the web. Why do we have tutorials on how to design levels? Just search the web, there are billions of tutorials and informative sites that go into level design.

The point isn't whether or not you can find information about Subject X on the internet. The point is that, as it stands, there isn't really and "good, consistant and walk-you-through-it-all" tutorials for 3DGS dealing specifically with how to make, manipulate and use shaders and whatnot. A lot of people use 3DGS for fun, or for "quick prototyping"...they don't have time (or maybe desire) to spend the next 6 months learning about programming in HLSL in order to add a water shader to their demo level.

Well, that's my 2¢ on the matter. As an artist, all I'm really inerested in is how/where do I use shaders (and I *still* havn't figured that one out! ).


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)