
Well, Grimbar, THAT is something I would love to see! It seems exactly like what a lot of artists/3DGS'ers are looking for. The 'tutorials' I've seen about how to use a shader in 3dgs seem to use some techical term to describe another technical term. So "The fuznickle vec0 is simply the reverse of the blinstaknub mat3's RenderVisualVectinswik". ???

It's all fine and well to say "Just use this code...", but when those who don't have a clue go to use it, it doesn't work because the user doesn't know what/how to "fill in the holes" (re: "material = <yourpic.bmp>" is great...but where do I put that .bmp? Does it have to be in one particuar place? Does it have to be in the same dir folder as the .fx? Can it be referenced like ".../mytextures2/yourpic.bmp"? Will any .bmp work, or does it have to be 16-bit? 24-bit? 32-bit? No bigger than 512x512? etc...etc..etc).

Anyway, I hope some folks with the knowledge, time and compassion to help "us shader noobs" step up to the plate. I think one of the main reasons we don't see any "wickkked-kewl" screen shots 'made with 3dGS' is because only about 4 people actually know how to implement a shader into a 3dGS project (ok, so I'm exaggurating about the number of people, it's probably twice that... ). The more artists who know how to stick a .fx file on their kick-ass monster/player/item, the more "wickkked-kewl" screen shots we'll start to see...


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)