Well, problem solved.

Here's how to get the length of an array. It's amazing what a PROPER UNDERSTANDING of how functions work will do for you. while() returns a bool. If you keep the last slot in the array as NULL, and NULL values are false. Kinda writes itself really haha.

int getArrayLength(int *array) 
 	int n = 0;
 	while (array[n]) n++;
 	return n;

And here's a block that gets the minimum or maximum value from an array. Requires #define MIN 1 and #define MAX 2 to work as is.

int getArrayLimit(int *array, size_t length, int dir) //set dir to MAX or MIN
  	size_t i = 1;	//set idx to 1 as we initialise val to first slot [0]
	int *val = array[0];
		case 1: 	for(i; i<length; i++)
    					if((int)val > array[i]) {
      					val = array[i];
  					} break;
  		case 2:	        for(i; i<length; i++)
    					if((int)val < array[i]) {
      					val = array[i];
  					} break;		
  		default:	printf("nSelect MAX or MIN for getArrayLimit()");			
  	return val;

In all honesty though, getArrayLength was found somewhere here on the forum (in the GS3D area) and getArrayLimit was adapted from a C code block found on SO. Gets the job done though laugh
