I have a weird issue where my R bridge seems to be running very slow. I'm training a DNN using Keras for R with tensorflow backend. Training takes some time, which is expected (three layers with 20 neurons in each).

My issue is that during testing, it takes 5-10 seconds of time to call the neural.load-function.
With R debugging enabled, the console will output something like
"Load KerasDeepLearn_USDJPY_1" and then after 10 seconds or so

I'm not that familiar with the bridge, but the long wait between the Load message from Zorro and the subsequent neural.load message from R seems strange to me. I would expect the log from R milliseconds after the call from Zorro.

I've attached my files (.R extensions are apparently not allowed by the file manager, so I renamed it to .txt)

I'm running Zorro 1.74.2 with R 3.4.1

Attached Files
KerasDeepLearn.c (561 downloads)
KerasDeepLearn.txt (492 downloads)
Last edited by Dalla; 12/29/17 08:55.