Wow. Your arrogance knows no bounds. I don't need to be spoon feed but I can do without being talked down do because I don't understand your esoteric manuals and tutorials.

I've read this tutorial, now twice, and it provides no help. I've also purchased the book, as I've already mentioned.

My original question was, does the exit function need to be passed to the enterLong function or are those two things handled elsewhere. Explain to me where that's discussed in workshop 1 variables. It isn't!

I've seen responses that these things are handled by TMF's (again all you coders are incredibly lazy and can't even type Trade Management Function) but no examples of defining an exit is listed anywhere in the manual.

Back to my second point, you can't complain that no one participates and uses your software when you don't make it accessible. Then when people ask for help, you tell them they want to be spoon fed.

Is it unreasonable for you to say in your response "Have you read the manual?". Because I could respond just as I have here to say "Yes, I have" but I am confused on how these zorro functions interact with each other and am asking for clarification.

Congratulations on making another happy zorro user.