No it doesn't, the trails were a seperate thing, an experiment. In the game you won't get the flames and the trails together; the flames are for detecting enemies and secrets and the trails are for a super-sharp edge. There is a dwarf in my game, I got that model from Psonic's site and it is going to have alot of item customization such as forging your own weapon and using magic and different metals and runes to create prefixes and suffixes like diablo.

//the material for the trail
material mat_blue
diffuse_red = 0;
diffuse_green = 0;
diffuse_blue = 255;
specular_red = 0;
specular_green = 0;
specular_blue = 255;
power = 10;

//the action assigned to the trail model
action weapon_trail
my.material = mat_blue;
my.passable = on;
my.transparent = on;
my.alpha = 50;
my.bright = on;
my.flare = on; =;
my.pan = weapon.pan;
my.tilt = weapon.tilt;
my.roll = weapon.roll;

//my attack animation controller
if(my.state == _attack)
my.anim_per = 0;
while(my.anim_per < 100)
my.anim_per += 10 * time;
my.state = _idle;

Ok, this is a section from my animate_me() function that I use to animate the player and enemies using states that are defined before the function(that is; define _idle,0; define _attack,1;). Basically this part increases my.anim_per by 10, thus animating the model AND ent_creating my sword1.mdl and assigning weapon_trail to it. The weapon_trail waits for a new york minute then removes itself. The material is what makes it pretty. Look very closely before including it in your game, it may clash with your animation sceme thingy. Just place the ent_create in some sort of while loop WHILE your player is attacking. Also, there is the WEAPON entity pointer, in my game the weapon is a seperate model attached to the player via vertex attachment and the WEAPON entity pointer is assigned to the weapon model so that it may be referred to, change it to your weapon entity pointer.

Last edited by slizzer; 06/13/05 23:46.

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