Does anyone actually watch this thread and look for new updates? LOL. After all of this time I finally got the main character model that I hired someone to do for me, good price, fully animated. Now I can do more work on my game. First thing I did, and this is a good method for you cheap-skates out there, is select the faces of the torso and then click select inverse and delete all the NON-torso faces. Simply make this "torso" slightly bigger and reskin it as armor. Now you have armor that is fully animated and centered correctly.
In these shots I am using a combination of changing the player's skin and changing the armor's skin, so this way I can have underclothes and a main/outter carapace for his armor.

Full chain-mail and runic great sword
Leather cuirass, shield, and spear
Great sword and green leather armor
Ornate armor, club, and leather short-pants (snicker)

Making dreams come true... And being erroneously accused of software piracy by Conitec in the process.