The sweetness of having stuff...

Watch where you shine the light...

Evil, dusky, B-Rated, zombie clones of... You!

Going good. Full inventory system with equips. Random prefix/suffix for magic weapons/armor system. An intertwining tech tree (e.g. Raw Fire skill + Truename skill = Fire Aura). Combat and health system that supports stamina for running and attacking and magic-use at the cost of STAMINA (which recovers) not MP. This way magic-users actually have to be physically fit to use magic alot. P.S. Rat hunting, I don't know why, but if you get tired of seeing little squeekers you can pound them into goo...

EDIT!!!! *%($*@@&$$)!#(@)!!!! Also charge up and hold your weapon, then release to use a stronger attack that degrades your weapon faster and may cause it to get stuck in an enemy.

Last edited by slizzer; 09/03/05 21:39.

Making dreams come true... And being erroneously accused of software piracy by Conitec in the process.