
I mean, if theres a chance of making the spell wrong, then there needs to be a penalty if you do make it wrong. And there would be varying degrees of penalty.

I'd say that would be a good plan. Have the user move the mouse in the shape, kind of like Black & White, and if it isn't the correct shape, he becomes a toad or something...


Another spell thing i would add under arcane is the ability to create undead. You would have areas such as graveyards and crypts that the player could create an undead army that would follow him. There would be a limit depending on skill, and you would be able to rise corpses too. There also needs to be a chance that if your skill in it is too low, the zombies will attack you. In fact, the whole idea of a penalty on low levels and the possibility of messing up spells seems pretty cool too me.

Good point. Technically, every spell should have a counter-spell. This in effect, doubles the number of spells in your game. So an evil character would study how to raise undead and summoning demons, a nice character would study turning undead and summoning elementals. This was the premise that I was working on before I gave up on it. 4 magic styles, 1 pure good based on water, 1 neutral good based on air, 1 neutral evil based on earth, 1 pure evil based on fire. Each would have counters to SOME of each of the other 3 groups. You could re-use the same shapes or symbols for each group. (A figure 8 for instance would cast spell 8 from each of the 4 groups, but would invoke a different spell depending on what art the spellcaster was committed to studying.


People who live in glass houses shouldn't vacuum naked.