
I trying the python bridge, but I cannot call the function in python script.

a) PythonTest.c is OK

PythonTest compiling........... ok

Python Version: 3.68
Returned: 0 10 20 30 40
Sum: 100

b) init for script - Ok
  //-------- INT RUN -----------------------
    if (is(INITRUN)){
      #ifdef _0MQ
        if(!pyStart("../source/python/beta_sendK.py",1)) {
          printf("\nError - Python won't start!");

c) fce where I use
//--------------------- 0MQ -> API -------------------------------------------------
  void sendTo(string cPom){
    #ifdef _0MQ
      string xSend=strf("Main('%s')",cPom);  
      printf("\n Test: %s",xSend );
      int nRet=pyInt("retMsg");

      if (nRet==1)
        printf("\nNew predict send OK");
      else if (nRet==2)
        printf("\nNew predict is duplicate");
      else if (nRet==0)
        printf("\n0QM - undefined error");
        printf("\n0QM - no send - will never seing");


d) error from PyError

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 7, in <module>
File "e:\conda\lib\site-packages\zmq\__init__.py", line 42, in <module>
File "e:\conda\lib\site-packages\zmq\__init__.py", line 9, in _load_libzmq
import sys, ctypes, platform, os
File "e:\conda\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 nen� platn� aplikace typu Win32.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Main' is not defined
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function
SystemError: g:\a\3\s\objects\longobject.c:404: bad argument to internal function

source code python in att
( note: is not possible attach to script with extension .py )

maybe is a problem 64/32 bit installation of python, becouse manual say: Install Python 3.6.8 32 bit for Windows

Attached Files
beta_sendK.txt (65 downloads)
Last edited by Grat; 08/04/19 11:24.