Thank you for your suggestion Andrew, we always want to improve on our knowledge, and abilities to cooperate.

The code is meant for users to explore, learn, and try out new ideas... If I will share code without errors, no one will learn anything new, and just forget about it in 4 hours. (In addition, when you are inspired by different ideas, you improve your level and go beyond your limits, because loops aren't structures, rather than building blocks that require you to dig deeper, and find ideas you have not thought about.)

It would be even more informative for you to work with it together and improve your own ideas... We are all here to learn together.

In addition, users will enjoy your input even more, when you too share some code and explain yourself, we are all here to enjoy your contribution, please...

And remember you are always blessed, with happiness and money as well as new ideas.

Last edited by TipmyPip; 12/29/23 18:43.

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