yesterday I have been dreaming meet with the guard from conitec, and he said
that he has been travel all around the world, fight the evil, save the earth
from destruction and doing all the hero things. And he said that now he was old and tired, he wants to go back to his family, he wants to spend the rest of his life with his wife and childrens.
And now he is searching for man who can replace him to do the duty.
the man that have strong will and have all the move that he can do, And even the man can do more moves that he can. It's because the evil will be stronger and stronger everyday and it will needs the hero that more stronger to.

it's only the first screenshot of my guard model and soon I will give this model FREE FOR ALL. It will have the basic animation like Walk,Run,Crouch,Jump,Stand Etc. and advance animation like sidestep,pull up, slash attack, backslash,uppercut slash,spin slash, jump slash, combo,sneak,cast spell etc.
just wait and see in a few weeks.

I need a comment for my first model screenshots to make the new guard better. this model have about 1900 polygon at the moment.

And very-very sorry about my english.
My English is trial version.:p

If you don't see the image try this url:

Last edited by obink; 07/09/05 06:37.