the current newton plugin doesn't know anything about non-newton entities. they get ignored by default. the template player script uses 3dgs's collision system to apply impulses to newton entities on impact. this isn't very realistic and was just meant as a quick workaround until the character controller gets included into the 3dgs plugin (which didn't happen yet)...

interaction of physics entities with non-physics entities is problematic in general. with a6's physics engine moving non-physics entities get treated as objects with infinite mass. this often results in extreme forces which can cause trouble like physics entities which can easily get pressed through walls.

a solution is to use physics for all entities. for many things (cars,...) a physics engine works better anyway and with the upcoming character controller of the new newton plugin it will be easily possible use physics entities as characters too. static entities currently could be added as physics objects with mass 0 (which is infinite mass for physics engines) so they don't move. with the upcoming plugin it will also be possible to add polygons of static entities to the static collision tree.