Environmental bumpmapping is a very basic shader... 3 lines of ASM

tex t0
texbem t1,t0
mov r0,t1

Or if you want to multiply it with a texture (t2)..
tex t0
tex t2
texbem t1,t0
mul r0,t1,t2

Tecnically environmental bumpmapping could be used to smooth out edges, yes, but the performance cost isn't worth it in my opinion... In the exact same way normalmapping can add shading detail to a model (as if it had more polys), it can also add reflection detail- in both cases it is only changing the normals per-pixel.

Case and point: sure you can do it... is it worth it? probably not. Simply caclulating the reflection in a vertex shader rather than the FFP will correct a lot of streaking/stretching that appears at odd locations.


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