Well since ISG apparently programmed the whole thing *roll eyes* I'll explain to you how to use his (ya right) masterpiece.


Var EntsPosX[50];
Var EntsPosY[50];
Var EntsPosZ[50];
String ent_1 = <tree1.mdl>;
String ent_2 = <tree2.mdl>;
String ent_3 = <tree3.mdl>;

Text entpatharray { strings=3; string=ent_1,ent_2,ent_3; }

There are 50 slots for entity positions, the arrays. To add another model to replace it you simply use

String ent_4 = <tree4.mdl>;
Text entpatharray { strings=4; string=ent_1,ent_2,ent_3,ent_4; }

Note I don't think ISG ever actually testing models being replaced, but they should be replaced in the order they are removed. So basically the list of ents in WED should be the order you put the strings.

Also since ISG coded this (hah) any problems in the code are his, not mine.

BTW I really think this should of been kept in the code,


define Scenary_Ents,flag1; //On - I'm scenary LOOK AT ME!, off - I'm not scenary, I'm ugly remove me

It just adds so much class that the current version is missing...

Last edited by WizRealm; 08/11/05 02:15.